planting campus-reaching churches
church planting

We are dedicated to establishing church-planting churches across the United States.

16 church plants

One foot on the campus

one foot in the community

Why reach the campus?

Most people who come to faith in Christ do so before the age of twenty-five. These young men and women, who will be the future leaders of the world, are on the college campus today.

We plant churches that reach the campus because we firmly believe that if we change the campus, we will eventually change the family, the nation, and the world.

Why serve the community?

Every day we are faced with the realities of life in our city, and like many, we could choose to turn a blind eye. However, we have made a decision to make a difference and serve our communities.

We are called to establish churches that compassionately minister the love of Jesus by being socially responsible.


Assessment Center

Every Nation’s US Assessment Center is open to all potential church planters who intend to plant a church in the next one to three years. This assessment is designed to help potential church planters discern their calling as “lead pastors” of a church plant by affirming strengths and identifying weaknesses. It is also the first step in our ABC3 strategy and the prerequisite to the Church-Planting BootCamp.

Mission 2029

Every Nation’s Global Expansion Strategy

Mission 2029 is a global expansion strategy to establish campus-reaching churches in 20 new nations by 2029.


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