We are dedicated to establishing church-planting churches across the United States.

One foot on the campus
one foot in the community

Why reach the campus?
Most people who come to faith in Christ do so before the age of twenty-five. These young men and women, who will be the future leaders of the world, are on the college campus today.
We plant churches that reach the campus because we firmly believe that if we change the campus, we will eventually change the family, the nation, and the world.

Why serve the community?
Every day we are faced with the realities of life in our city, and like many, we could choose to turn a blind eye. However, we have made a decision to make a difference and serve our communities.
We are called to establish churches that compassionately minister the love of Jesus by being socially responsible.
Assessment Center
Every Nation’s US Assessment Center is open to all potential church planters who intend to plant a church in the next one to three years. This assessment is designed to help potential church planters discern their calling as “lead pastors” of a church plant by affirming strengths and identifying weaknesses. It is also the first step in our ABC3 strategy and the prerequisite to the Church-Planting BootCamp.
Fulfilling a generational vision.
The Every Nation 2040 initiative is a simple obedience to the Great Commission. God has called us to reach every nation in our generation—he’s given us a mission and a timeframe.
The year 2040 marks the end of another generation, and to accomplish what God has called Every Nation to do, we must pray for the nations, prioritize the campus, and recognize the preeminence of the gospel.
Church Planting Target Cities
- Tuscaloosa, Alabama
- Tuscon, Arizona
- Orange County, California
- Sacramento, California
- San Jose, California
- Boulder, Colorado
- Fort Collins, Colorado
- New Haven, Connecticut
- Fort Myers, Florida
- Gainesville, Florida
- Miami, Florida
- St. Petersburg, Florida
- Athens, Georgia
- Atlanta, Georgia
- Kaneohe, Hawaii
- Boise, Idaho
- Louisville, Kentucky
- Baton Rouge, Louisiana
- New Orleans, Louisiana
- Baltimore, Maryland
- College Park, Maryland
- Worcester, Massachusetts
- Princeton, New Jersey
- Santa Fe, New Mexico
- Columbus, Ohio
- Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
- Tulsa, Oklahoma
- Bend, Oregon
- Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- Charleston, South Carolina
- Chattanooga, Tennessee
- Knoxville, Tennessee
- El Paso, Texas
- Fort Worth, Texas
- Waco, Texas
- Salt Lake City, Utah
- Pullman, Washington
- Tacoma, Washington
- Milwaukee, Wisconsin
See how you are making an impact!
Starting a New Church in Cardiff, Wales
“If we’re going to reach every nation, we need to plant campus-reaching churches in every nation.”...
Starting on the Campus in St. Thomas
“Whether it’s campus ministry or church planting, God has made a way for himself to be known. All...
On Mission in Lisbon, Portugal
“If you don’t go and proclaim the gospel, no one will know the gospel.” Watch how Every Nation...