The 700 Club recently featured one of your Every Nation Campus missionaries for her powerful testimony. After six years of producing student leaders, and campus missionaries, in Middle Tennessee, Heather Heck has now answered the call to go to Hawaii to strengthen youth and college ministry there.

The gospel will always be worth giving everything else up for. Jesus himself makes up for every sacrifice. This was the heart behind the call that I answered years ago, and it is what propels me forward. I know that there are students who desperately need the hope of Jesus in Honolulu. This is why we are going. Seeing students transformed by the gospel will always be worth it!

Thank you for sacrificing financially to help send us. I believe that you will receive many times over what you have sown in return.


Several years ago, Heather’s life looked drastically different. Addicted to drugs and carrying the pain of rejection by her father, this single mother was suddenly facing jail time for a DUI car crash that took two people’s lives. Heather was crushed by their deaths, believing she didn’t deserve to live. But Heather’s mom brought her to church, where, as Heather says, she “finally heard the gospel for the first time with my heart . . . it was as if finally, I got it. That God loved me with this unending, never failing, all-consuming love.” She repented, got baptized, and was discipled regularly by a woman in church for a year up until her case went to trial. She pled guilty and served a year in a maximum security prison.

Heather’s call to ministry already began to flourish in the prison. She started a Bible study that grew up to thirty women, each of them eventually giving their lives to Christ. That deep calling to see others know Christ’s love led her right back to her campus: this time, not as a drug-addicted student, but as a campus missionary intending to transform Tennessee State University.

Over the course of her six years in ministry there, Heather trained up both student and campus missionary leaders while raising her precious son. One of those new campus missionaries is Sierra Rozar. Heather met Sierra her freshman year at TSU and saw her go off to law school in Memphis. She started several Bible studies and raised up student leaders in law school. Recognizing the same call to ministry pressing on her that pressed on Heather, she went through the Every Nation Campus training process and is on her way to being a full-time campus missionary.

As for Heather, she’s continuing on God’s exciting and unpredictable journey for her life. Heather has already been sending reports of the work going on in Honolulu, Hawaii:

We are beginning to gather some real momentum, and God has been opening some unexpected doors. We have launched two small bible studies at Honolulu Community College and Kapi’olani Community College and will be launching a third bible study next week at Hawaii Pacific University with the girl’s volleyball team. I have an open door with the coach there. Please be praying as I am meeting with him about a character-coaching opportunity that will allow us to continue to build relationships on the team.

The Heather of the past is a testament of God’s great plan for those even in the darkest places—a plan that changes the lives of countless others. We thank God for how he’s intervened in Heather’s life, and for how he continues calling her into greater ways to impact the next generation.


Thank you, for partnering with passionate missionaries like Heather and investing in God’s kingdom in every nation and every campus.