Countless studies continue to confirm that the majority of those who become Christians do so as students. We fervently work to send as many well-trained missionaries to as many campuses as possible. We just finished training our newest missionaries at our School of Ministry in March.

Seventeen students raised partnership teams and came to Nashville to be equipped by top Every Nation leaders who were once campus missionaries themselves. The six-week training takes them through courses that cover world religions, preaching with power, baptism of the Holy Spirit, best planning practices, ministry to internationals, Strengthsfinder, and two dozen more courses.

The trainings strengthen our campus ministries in two ways. First, the school grounds the missionaries in biblical understanding, giving them the faith and authority they need to remain spiritually healthy. Then the school enables them to hold the life-changing conversations, deliver the groundbreaking sermons, and confidently guide the ministry moments that transform students into world-changers for Christ. As a result, we’re proud to join our partners in sending this batch of missionaries to Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Georgetown University, Duke University, and the University of Texas-Austin to name a few.

Amy Barton, who’s headed to North Carolina State University, shares how the school impacted her:

I want to thank you so much for making this school possible. I am back on my campus in North Carolina full of joy and faith because of all that God did in me during these last six weeks. I am a different person!

What most impacted me about the school was getting to be around the Every Nation leaders and teachers. Their testimonies and their example of following Jesus inspired me powerfully and imparted so much faith. Over the weeks, my desire to know God more and spend time with him grew so much! I also grew in my desire to pray for the lost, to pray for power to be an effective witness to the gospel, and to be focused on this calling like never before.

Through being in the school, God opened my eyes to the truth that he is going to empower me to share the gospel using me the way that I am wired. I can have a more quiet personality but still walk in the power of the Holy Spirit! This was a game changer for me, as I had previously ‘disqualified’ myself from evangelism. Now I am empowered knowing that ALL believers have been called and equipped to share the gospel and make disciples!

I am so excited to continue walking with the Lord. This brief testimony is only the tip of the iceberg of what God did in all of us during this time.