Last month, we announced the theme and locations of our 2018 Every Nation Campus Conferences. Now we celebrate what God has done through all six conferences in the cities of Austin, Chantilly, Corvallis, Honolulu, Jacksonville, and Nashville.  

Our students were full of faith as they invited their unsaved friends, teammates, classmates, and roommates to a two-day conference designed to change their lives. In total, 1,724 students gathered across six conference locations.  

Here’s a breakdown of some of what God did during the Every Nation Campus Conferences:

  • Jacksonville, Florida: We saw 72 salvations, 30 baptisms, and 51 students answer the call to campus ministry, with a total attendance of 453 including 41 international students.
  • Corvallis, Oregon: A total of 317 people attended our West Coast regional conference, 46 of whom answered the call to ministry! That’s by far the most we’ve had to respond from our West Coast conference.
  • Nashville, Tennessee: More than 300 students came, representing 19 different campuses across the Central region conference. We had 50 salvations and 26 students were baptized.
  • Chantilly, Virginia: This was our biggest campus conference with nearly 600 attendees. Over 100 students gave their life to Christ, 76 students were baptized, and 19 students responded to the call to ministry.
  • Austin, Texas: Almost 300 students from across Texas gathered in Austin for the first time. There were 45 salvations—almost 1/6 of the conference attendees!
  • Honolulu, Hawaii: Honolulu hosted its third annual student conference with 404 in attendance and 18 who responded to the call to ministry.

With dozens of seminars like Foundations of the Faith, Hearing God’s Voice, Evangelism, Apologetics, and Ministry in the Marketplace, our students were equipped to change the campus and change the world!

Because of you, lives are being transformed by the power of the gospel and God is igniting a passion to see his kingdom come on the campus. Let’s continue to pray for the work God has done to continue through these students lives as they touch their campuses, their cities, and the world.