Your partnership with Every Nation impacts not only North America, but we have the privilege of taking part in God’s plans all over the world. In 1 Thessalonians 5:8, believers are charged to “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” We find it an honor to look back at all that God is doing through our missionaries, church planters, partners, and staff in Every Nation.

One of the ways we do that is to release quarterly report videos featuring Every Nation stories from all across the world. This quarter, we had the pleasure of including reports from Oceania in our feature.

Together with our North American partners, we’ve been able to send missionaries to help advance the works of our ministries in Oceania. Four long-term missionaries—Chandel, Bernhard, and John and Janie—are faithfully serving our churches in New Zealand after developing partnership teams here. Last year, North American partners sent over thirty short-term missionaries to help our church in the city of Christchurch lay the groundwork for their new campus ministry. Dr. Joshua Opadiya, Senior Pastor of Every Nation Sydney, gave a report on behalf of our Oceania region stating that the team was a huge success in reaching the students in the University of Canterbury. We’ll be sending another missions team to continue that work this July.

Neither the local nor the global impact of Every Nation can happen without our partners. We encourage you to take a moment to watch and celebrate what God is doing to advance his kingdom on every campus and in every nation.

Please pray for all our missions efforts across Oceania and the world as God continues to lead us to go.