Dear Pastor,

The entire North American Leadership Team thanks you for your commitment to the 2025 ENC Conference. We so deeply appreciate your dedication to reaching the next generation.

To give online, please use this direct link ( and input the email associated with your church’s giving account with Every Nation when submitting the gift. Please use whichever giving method you prefer, but note that gifts given by credit card incur a much higher transaction fee.

If you would like to give via check, please make the check payable to Every Nation and include “2025 ENC Conference” in the memo or description. The check should be mailed to Every Nation Churches & Ministries, 783 Old Hickory Blvd, Suite 210E, Brentwood, TN 37027.

If you have any questions about your commitment or would like to inquire about giving online on behalf of your church, please contact Sarah Murphy, our Partner Care Manager, at (615) 627-0304 or

Thank you again for your generosity and impact on the campus. We look forward to seeing you in Orlando.

Pastor Phil