change the campus change the world
what is encbecome a missionary
what is

Campus Ministry?

College students have the potential and the responsibility to impact the world around them, no matter what degree they choose. If we want to change the world, we should start on the campus.

Campus ministry is a dedication to take the gospel to college students, right where they are on campus. It’s a calling to serve, to impact, to go.

what is


A vision to reach the whole world through the university campus.

In the context of the local church, your spiritual life is developed further than if you were on your own. Every Nation Campus has chapters at over 100 universities in the United States and in over 80 countries around the world—each one connected to a local church.

Full-time campus missionaries around the world evangelize and disciple students, advancing God’s kingdom on the university campus.

What is


If you feel the call to reach college students vocationally, we have a plan to help get you there.


New Staff Training

At this training, applicants become officially employed with Every Nation and are trained in the ministry of partnership development (MPD).

200-Day Process

After the missionary has completed the New Staff Training, they begin a period of 200 days to complete his/her initial partnership team. With the help of an MPD coach and a refresher training at Day 50, missionaries start their ministry with Every Nation in community and in faith.

School of Campus Ministry

Over the course of eight weeks, we equip missionaries with ministry tools, skills, principles, and practices needed to effectively impact any campus with the gospel.


Your campus missionary will be excited to pray with you and help prepare you for full-time ministry after you graduate.


See how you are making an impact! 

Why Missions?

Why Missions?

Students from an Every Nation church in the US works with our Every Nation church in Sydney, Australia, to minister to other students at universities across Sydney.

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