Every year, thousands of students gather together in different cities around the world to experience powerful life-change and be equipped to make disciples on their campuses. ENC conferences are a mixture of celebration, training, and empowerment, where students come together to hear the gospel preached and connect with other student leaders.

The goal of the conference is to empower students to make disciples by giving them a greater vision to change the campus and change the world with the gospel.

This year’s conference theme, Kingdom Come, calls on our students to be bold ambassadors of God’s purposes. As Christians, we are citizens of God’s kingdom, but do not yet experience the kingdom in its fullness. The challenge we face in our culture is the tension of submitting to Christ’s lordship in a world that rejects and dishonors him. This is why Jesus taught us to pray, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).

Where God is not recognized as king, sin abounds with all its effects. But with Jesus as lord over our hearts, we can bring his kingdom into every interaction, conversation, classroom, party, or job. He has decided to advance his life-giving kingdom through us.



In North America, students are coming together in six central locations:

 Jacksonville, Florida February 2–3

Corvallis, Oregon  February 16–17

Chantilly, Virginia  February 23–24

Nashville, Tennessee February 23–24

Austin, Texas March 2–3

Honolulu, Hawaii March 2–3

Watch our recap video for the ENC Conference in Jacksonville, featuring students from universities like the University of Florida, Jacksonville University, and Valencia College.

Join us in believing for more of Christ’s kingdom to manifest in every nation, and on every campus.