Several months ago, we sent an update on Justin and Jessica Chapman, Every Nation church planters in Providence, Rhode Island. The work in Providence and at Brown University is continuing to gain momentum. Here’s our newest report from Justin on what God has been accomplishing through their church and the support of their partners.

We launched Aletheia Church in Providence before Easter last year. We’re at the fifteen-month mark now. At the beginning of this year, we got into our new building—a school basketball auditorium similar to Aletheia Church in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It’s a fantastic room with big open windows.

God has been faithful to grow the church. There are fifty people who now call Aletheia their home church. Our growth chart is going up and to the right. George, who is on the Brown University basketball team, was baptized earlier this year. In the Sunday service three weeks ago, we baptized four more new believers.

One young couple represented the quintessential East-side Providence New Englanders. She graduated from Harvard; he graduated from MIT. They began coming to the Aletheia Church just a few weeks after we launched. For them, Christianity was like a fossilized vestige in their past. As a last resort, they said, ‘Let’s give this a shot and see how it goes.’ The result was that Jesus transformed their lives in ways that were truly remarkable. They were among that group of four who were recently baptized.

I’m happy with the way the church has grown, but I’m probably most happy with the fact people are moving through the discipleship process. We establish biblical foundations through ‘Encounter Weekends.’

At the end of May 2018, Jonathan Cothran arrived from SouthPoint Church in Jacksonville to begin serving as our Every Nation Campus missionary at Brown. Jonathan is an experienced evangelist, having worked under Aaron Austin for five years at the University of Central Florida. This fall, we have a missions team from SouthPoint coming up to Providence. We’re making a big evangelistic push, engaging students at Brown University with the God Test. This spring, another team from King’s Park International Church in Raleigh, North Carolina, will be on campus for a week. So, we are trusting God for some fruitful gospel encounters in the next six months.

Thank you all for your prayers and support.


Please continue to pray for the Chapmans and all the teams at Aletheia Church in Providence.